Return / Exchange Policy
Return / Exchange Policy
If for some reason you are not happy with the product we accept returns / exchanges sent back within 7 days of receiving the product. A restocking fee of 5% of the product return amount will apply to all returned products (exchanges and store credit excluded). To receive a refund or to exchange a product, items must be unused and in perfect condition with no wear and tear, and all packaging in tact. For INTERNATIONAL ORDERS shipping fees and customs fees are non-refundable.
Kindly Camera Bags is not responsible for any damaged or lost return packages.
To start a return, visit our Return/Exchange Portal.
What is Redo?
When you opt in for Redo at checkout your return shipping label is included.
If you decide not to buy Redo, you can still return your items, but you will be responsible for the cost of the return shipping label.
All returns are subject to the guidelines outlined in our Return Policy.
Kindly Camera Bags is not responsible for any damages to equipment while using their products.